Detection :: Boot sector virus

If the option interactive is selected in the configuration of the Scanner and of the Guard in the group Handling when malware is detected, you are asked what is to be done with a detected virus or unwanted program.

Boot sector viruses are only detected by the Guard.
If possible, you can repair the detected boot sector virus with the aid of the Scanner. Alternatively, the boot sector virus can be deleted or ignored.

Alert message of the Guard

Name and path of the currently detected virus or unwanted program

The name and path of the currently detected virus or unwanted program is displayed in the lower window of the message.

Alert message of the Scanner

Name and path of the currently detected virus or unwanted program

The name and path of the currently detected virus or unwanted program is displayed in the middle window of the message.



If this option is enabled, the boot sector virus is repaired.

This option can only be enabled if a repair of the boot sector virus is possible.


If this option is enabled, the boot sector is deleted.


If this option is enabled, the boot sector is ignored.

Icons and links

Icon / link


With this link - and with an active Internet connection -  you can access an Internet page with further information on this virus or unwanted program.

This page of the online help is opened via this button or link.